Add Inner Shadow with CustomPaint in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Aesara -

Add Inner Shadow with CustomPaint in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of using the same old design elements in your Flutter app? Do you want to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your UI? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to add an inner shadow to your widgets using CustomPaint in Flutter.

What is CustomPaint?

CustomPaint is a powerful widget in Flutter that allows you to create custom shapes and designs using a canvas. It provides a way to draw complex shapes and paths programmatically, giving you complete control over the look and feel of your UI.

Why Use CustomPaint for Inner Shadows?

There are several reasons why you should use CustomPaint for adding inner shadows to your widgets:

  • Flexibility: CustomPaint allows you to create complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with standard Flutter widgets.

  • Customization: With CustomPaint, you have complete control over the look and feel of your UI, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs.

  • Performance: CustomPaint is highly optimized for performance, making it a great choice for complex UI elements.

Adding Inner Shadows with CustomPaint

Now that we’ve covered the basics of CustomPaint, let’s dive into adding an inner shadow to a widget. We’ll use a simple example to demonstrate the process.

Step 1: Create a CustomPaint Widget

First, we need to create a CustomPaint widget that will render our inner shadow. We’ll create a new class called `InnerShadow` that extends `CustomPainter`.

class InnerShadow extends CustomPainter {
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    // Code to draw the inner shadow goes here

  bool shouldRepaint(InnerShadow oldDelegate) => false;

Step 2: Draw the Inner Shadow

Next, we need to draw the inner shadow using the `paint` method. We’ll use the `Canvas` and `Size` objects to draw a rectangle with a shadow.

void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
  final Paint paint = Paint()
    ..color = Colors.grey
    ..strokeWidth = 2 = PaintingStyle.stroke;

  final Path path = Path()
    ..moveTo(0, 0)
    ..lineTo(size.width, 0)
    ..lineTo(size.width, size.height)
    ..lineTo(0, size.height)

  canvas.drawPath(path, paint);

  // Draw the inner shadow
  paint.color =;
      ..moveTo(2, 2)
      ..lineTo(size.width - 2, 2)
      ..lineTo(size.width - 2, size.height - 2)
      ..lineTo(2, size.height - 2)

Step 3: Use the InnerShadow Widget

Finally, we can use our `InnerShadow` widget in our app. We’ll create a new `Container` widget and add the `InnerShadow` to it.

  width: 200,
  height: 200,
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    color: Colors.white,
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
  child: CustomPaint(
    size: Size(200, 200),
    painter: InnerShadow(),

Customizing the Inner Shadow

Now that we’ve added an inner shadow to our widget, let’s customize it to fit our needs.

Changing the Shadow Color

We can change the color of the inner shadow by modifying the `paint` object in the `paint` method.

paint.color =;

Changing the Shadow Offset

We can change the offset of the inner shadow by modifying the `Path` object in the `paint` method.

    ..moveTo(4, 4)
    ..lineTo(size.width - 4, 4)
    ..lineTo(size.width - 4, size.height - 4)
    ..lineTo(4, size.height - 4)

Adding a Blur Effect

We can add a blur effect to the inner shadow by using the `BlurMaskFilter` class.

paint.maskFilter = BlurMaskFilter(
  blur: 4,
  blurStyle: BlurStyle.normal,


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add an inner shadow to a widget using CustomPaint in Flutter. We’ve covered the basics of CustomPaint, created a custom painter, and customized the inner shadow to fit our needs.

Benefits of Using CustomPaint

Using CustomPaint for inner shadows provides several benefits, including:

  • Flexibility: CustomPaint allows you to create complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with standard Flutter widgets.

  • Customization: With CustomPaint, you have complete control over the look and feel of your UI, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs.

  • Performance: CustomPaint is highly optimized for performance, making it a great choice for complex UI elements.

Best Practices

When using CustomPaint for inner shadows, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep your painter code simple and concise. Avoid complex logic and conditionals.

  2. Use the `shouldRepaint` method to optimize performance.

  3. Test your painter on different devices and screen sizes to ensure it looks great everywhere.

Final Thoughts

Adding an inner shadow to a widget can elevate your app’s design and user experience. With CustomPaint, you have complete control over the look and feel of your UI, allowing you to create complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with standard Flutter widgets.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to adding an inner shadow with CustomPaint in Flutter. Happy coding!

Property Description
color The color of the inner shadow.
strokeWidth The width of the inner shadow.
style The style of the inner shadow (stroke or fill).
blur The blur radius of the inner shadow.
blurStyle The style of the blur effect (normal or solid).

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your Flutter skills and dive into the world of CustomPaint!

How do I add an inner shadow to a widget using CustomPaint in Flutter?

You can add an inner shadow to a widget using CustomPaint in Flutter by creating a custom painter that draws a filled path with a shadow. You can use the `Canvas` and `Paint` classes to create the shadow effect. For example, you can create a `Path` that defines the shape of your widget, and then use the `Paint` class to set the color and style of the shadow.

What is the difference between an inner shadow and an outer shadow?

An inner shadow is a shadow that is drawn inside the bounds of a widget, giving it a sense of depth and dimension. An outer shadow, on the other hand, is a shadow that is drawn outside the bounds of a widget, creating a sense of lift and elevation. To achieve an inner shadow with CustomPaint, you’ll need to draw the shadow inside the path of the widget, whereas an outer shadow would be drawn outside the path.

How do I customize the appearance of the inner shadow?

You can customize the appearance of the inner shadow by adjusting the properties of the `Paint` object used to draw the shadow. For example, you can change the color, opacity, and blur radius of the shadow to achieve the desired effect. You can also experiment with different shadow styles, such as a soft gradient or a hard-edged shadow, to create a unique look.

Can I add an inner shadow to a widget with a complex shape?

Absolutely! With CustomPaint, you can add an inner shadow to a widget with a complex shape by defining a `Path` that accurately represents the shape of the widget. This can involve using curves, arcs, and other geometric shapes to create a precise representation of the widget’s boundaries. Once you have the `Path` defined, you can use the `Canvas` and `Paint` classes to draw the inner shadow.

Are there any performance considerations when using CustomPaint to add an inner shadow?

Yes, when using CustomPaint to add an inner shadow, you’ll want to be mindful of performance considerations. Complex paint operations can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with large or complex widgets. To optimize performance, consider using caching, simplifying your `Path` definition, and minimizing the number of paint operations. Additionally, use the `shouldRepaint` callback to control when the custom paint operation is triggered.