Google Chrome is Failing to POST: The Mysterious Case of the Low Content-Length Limit
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Google Chrome is Failing to POST: The Mysterious Case of the Low Content-Length Limit

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Have you ever encountered an issue where Google Chrome refuses to send a POST request, simply because the Content-Length exceeds a certain, seemingly arbitrary, limit? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the mysterious world of Chrome’s Content-Length restriction, explore the reasons behind this behavior, and provide you with practical solutions to overcome this frustrating problem.

What’s the Deal with Content-Length, Anyway?

In HTTP, the Content-Length header specifies the size of the message body in bytes. This allows the server to allocate the necessary resources to handle the incoming request. Sounds simple, right? However, when it comes to Google Chrome, things get a bit more complicated.

The Low Content-Length Limit: A Chrome-Specific Quirk

It’s essential to understand that Chrome has a built-in limit for the Content-Length header. This limit is ridiculously low, often causing issues when sending larger requests. The exact limit varies depending on the Chrome version, but it’s typically around 65,535 bytes (64KB – 1). Yes, you read that right – 64KB minus 1 byte!

Content-Length: 65535 // The magical limit

Why Does Chrome Impose This Limit?

According to the Chromium developers, this limit is enforced to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. The idea is to prevent attackers from sending excessively large requests, which could lead to buffer overflow attacks or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

While this motivation is valid, it’s debatable whether a fixed limit is the most effective approach. After all, modern web applications often require sending larger payloads, and this restriction can hinder legitimate use cases.

Symptoms of the Content-Length Limitation

So, how do you know if you’re hitting the Content-Length limit in Chrome? Keep an eye out for these symptoms:

  • POST requests fail silently, without any error messages or warnings.
  • The request is not sent, or the browser appears to hang.
  • The server may receive a truncated or incomplete request.
  • ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES or ERRaboration is occasionally thrown.
Workarounds and Solutions

Fear not, dear developer! There are ways to bypass or circumvent this limit. Choose the approach that best suits your needs:

1. Chunked Encoding

One clever solution is to use chunked encoding, which allows you to send the request body in smaller chunks. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with large files or streaming data.

POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

// Chunk 1
// Chunk 2
// ...
// End of chunks

2. Streaming

Another approach is to stream the request body, which enables you to send data in small chunks without specifying the Content-Length upfront. This method is ideal for handling large files or real-time data streams.

POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Transfer-Encoding: streaming

// Stream the data in chunks

3. Server-Side Workarounds

In some cases, you might not have control over the client-side implementation. Fear not! You can also implement server-side workarounds to handle large requests:

server {
    listen 80;

    location /upload {
        // Increase the buffer size to accommodate larger requests
        client_max_body_size 100m;
        client_body_buffer_size 100m;

4. Browser Detection and Fallbacks

If you’re dealing with a mixed browser environment, you can detect Chrome browser and use a fallback approach. For instance, you can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send the request in Chrome, while falling back to the fetch API or other methods for other browsers:

if (isChrome()) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/upload', true);
} else {
    fetch('/upload', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: blob
Debugging and Troubleshooting

When dealing with issues related to the Content-Length limit, it’s essential to use the right tools for the job. Here are some tips to help you debug and troubleshoot the problem:

  • Use the Chrome DevTools Network tab to inspect the request and response headers.
  • Enable the Chrome flag chrome://flags/#enable-logging to log network requests.
  • Verify the request payload size and adjust it accordingly.
  • Test your application with different Content-Length values to determine the exact limit.
  • Consult the Chrome documentation and bug tracker for known issues and workarounds.


Google Chrome’s Content-Length limit can be a significant hurdle for web developers. However, by understanding the reasons behind this restriction and applying the workarounds and solutions outlined in this article, you can overcome this limitation and ensure seamless data transfer in your application.

Remember, it’s essential to weigh the trade-offs between security and functionality when dealing with large requests. Be prepared to adapt your approach based on your specific use case and requirements.

Chrome Version Content-Length Limit
Chrome 76 and earlier 64KB – 1 (65535 bytes)
Chrome 77 and later 256KB – 1 (262143 bytes)

As Chrome continues to evolve, it’s crucial to stay informed about changes to the Content-Length limit and adapt your strategies accordingly. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Google Chrome’s pesky POST requests!

Why is Google Chrome failing to send POST requests when the Content-Length is above a certain size?

Ah, the mystery of the missing POST requests! This issue usually occurs because of Chrome’s default limit on the size of POST requests. When the Content-Length exceeds this limit, Chrome simply gives up and refuses to send the request. Don’t worry, we’ve got some fixes for you!

What is the default limit on the size of POST requests in Google Chrome?

Drumroll, please… The default limit is a whopping 2MB! Yeah, we know, it’s tiny. But don’t worry, you can adjust this limit to suit your needs. We’ll show you how in a bit.

How can I increase the default limit on POST requests in Google Chrome?

Easy peasy! You can increase the limit by launching Chrome with the `–upload-fields- separation-limit` flag followed by the desired limit size. For example, `chrome –upload-fields-separation-limit=10MB` would set the limit to 10MB. Alternatively, you can also use the `chrome/extensions` API to set the limit programmatically.

Will increasing the limit on POST requests affect my browser’s performance?

Good question! Increasing the limit might have some performance implications, especially if you’re dealing with massive files. However, the impact should be minimal if you’re only increasing the limit to a reasonable size. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility (and potential browser crashes)!

Are there any alternative solutions to sending large POST requests in Google Chrome?

You bet! If you’re dealing with enormous files, consider using chunked uploads or streaming APIs. These methods allow you to send data in smaller chunks, avoiding the need to send massive POST requests. Your users (and Chrome) will thank you!

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