How to Bypass Lambda Authorizer in API Gateway: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Bypass Lambda Authorizer in API Gateway: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of Lambda Authorizers in API Gateway? Do you want to know the secret to bypassing them and gaining unrestricted access to your APIs? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of Lambda Authorizers and show you exactly how to bypass them.

What is a Lambda Authorizer?

Before we dive into the bypassing process, let’s quickly cover the basics. A Lambda Authorizer is a powerful security feature in API Gateway that allows you to authenticate and authorize requests to your APIs. It’s essentially a function that runs before your API is executed, verifying the identity of the caller and determining whether they have the necessary permissions to access the API.

While Lambda Authorizers are a crucial security feature, they can sometimes be overkill or even get in the way of your API’s functionality. That’s where bypassing comes in.

Why Bypass a Lambda Authorizer?

There are several reasons why you might want to bypass a Lambda Authorizer:

  • Test and Development: During testing and development, you might want to bypass the authorizer to quickly test your API without worrying about authentication and authorization.

  • Legacy APIs: If you have an existing API that doesn’t require authentication or authorization, bypassing the Lambda Authorizer can be a quick fix.

  • Debugging: Bypassing the Lambda Authorizer can help you debug issues with your API more efficiently, without having to worry about authentication and authorization.

Preparation is Key

Before we dive into the bypassing process, make sure you have the following:

  1. An AWS account with API Gateway and Lambda configured.

  2. A basic understanding of API Gateway and Lambda functions.

  3. A Lambda function that’s currently being used as an authorizer.

Method 1: Disable the Lambda Authorizer

The simplest way to bypass a Lambda Authorizer is to disable it altogether. Here’s how:

aws apigateway update-authorizer --rest-api-id <REST_API_ID> --authorizer-id <AUTHORIZER_ID> --patch-operations op='replace',path='/disabled',value=true

Replace <REST_API_ID> with the ID of your REST API and <AUTHORIZER_ID> with the ID of your Lambda Authorizer. This command will disable the authorizer, allowing all incoming requests to bypass authentication and authorization.

Method 2: Use a Lambda Function with a Static Response

An alternative approach is to use a Lambda function that returns a static response, effectively bypassing the authorizer. Here’s how:

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      'principalId': 'anonymous',
      'policyDocument': {
        'Version': '2012-10-17',
        'Statement': [
            'Action': 'execute-api:Invoke',
            'Effect': 'Allow',
            'Resource': event.methodArn

This Lambda function returns a response that indicates the caller is authenticated and authorized to access the API. You can then use this function as your authorizer, effectively bypassing the authentication and authorization process.

Method 3: Use an API Gateway Mapping Template

Another approach is to use an API Gateway mapping template to bypass the authorizer. Here’s an example:

  "statusCode": 200

This mapping template returns a 200 OK response, effectively bypassing the authorizer. You can then use this template in your API Gateway method response.

Security Considerations

Bypassing a Lambda Authorizer can have serious security implications. Make sure you understand the risks and take necessary precautions to secure your API:

Risk Mitigation
Unauthorized Access Implement rate limiting and IP blocking to prevent abuse.
Data Exposure Use encryption and secure storage to protect sensitive data.
Denial of Service (DoS) Implement load balancing and auto-scaling to handle high traffic.

Remember, bypassing a Lambda Authorizer should only be done in controlled environments and with proper security measures in place.


In this article, we’ve shown you three methods to bypass a Lambda Authorizer in API Gateway. While bypassing an authorizer can be useful in certain scenarios, it’s crucial to understand the security implications and take necessary precautions to protect your API.

Remember, security should always be your top priority when working with APIs. If you’re unsure about bypassing a Lambda Authorizer or need further assistance, consult with a security expert or AWS support.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to secure your APIs!

Frequently Asked Question

Got a Lambda Authorizer in your API Gateway and can’t seem to bypass it? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out:

Can I bypass Lambda Authorizer by directly accessing the API Gateway URL?

Sorry, buddy! That won’t work. The Lambda Authorizer is integrated with the API Gateway, and any direct requests to the API Gateway URL will still trigger the authorizer. You need to try a different approach.

Will disabling the Lambda Authorizer temporarily help me bypass it?

Temporarily disabling the Lambda Authorizer might seem like a solution, but it’s not a good idea. Disabling it will expose your API to unauthorized access, which is a security risk. Instead, focus on finding a more legitimate and secure way to bypass it.

Can I use an IAM Role to bypass the Lambda Authorizer?

Now we’re talking! Yes, you can use an IAM Role to bypass the Lambda Authorizer. By assuming an IAM Role that has the necessary permissions, you can make authorized requests to your API without going through the Lambda Authorizer.

Will modifying the Lambda Authorizer’s configuration help me bypass it?

Maybe! If you have the necessary permissions, you can modify the Lambda Authorizer’s configuration to allow certain requests to bypass it. However, be careful not to introduce security vulnerabilities while making these changes.

Is there a way to test my API without going through the Lambda Authorizer?

Yes, you can use API Gateway’s testing features to test your API without going through the Lambda Authorizer. This can be useful for debugging and testing purposes, but remember to enable the authorizer again once you’re done testing.

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