Unlocking the Secrets of Hikari Connection Pooling in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Aesara - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Hikari Connection Pooling in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of wondering how many Hikari connections are created by default in Spring Boot? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of connection pooling, explore the magic of Hikari, and provide you with a clear understanding of how many connections are created by default in Spring Boot.

What is Hikari Connection Pooling?

Hikari Connection Pooling is a popular open-source connection pooling library used in Java applications, including Spring Boot. It provides a robust and efficient way to manage database connections, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Hikari’s Connection Pooling mechanism allows multiple threads to share a pool of connections, reducing the overhead of creating and closing connections.

Why Use Hikari Connection Pooling in Spring Boot?

Spring Boot, by default, uses Hikari Connection Pooling to manage database connections. This decision is driven by Hikari’s exceptional performance, reliability, and configuration flexibility. By using Hikari, Spring Boot applications can:

  • Improve database connection efficiency
  • Enhance application performance
  • Reduce database connection latency
  • Configure connection pooling settings to suit specific requirements

How Many Hikari Connections are Created by Default in Spring Boot?

The million-dollar question! By default, Spring Boot creates a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10 Hikari connections. Yes, you read that correctly – the default minimum and maximum connection limits are both set to 10.

      minimum-pool-size: 10
      maximum-pool-size: 10

These default settings can be overridden by configuring the `spring.datasource.hikari.minimum-pool-size` and `spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size` properties in your application configuration file (e.g., `application.properties` or `application.yml`).

Understanding Hikari Connection Pooling Configuration

To fully appreciate how Hikari Connection Pooling works in Spring Boot, it’s essential to understand the various configuration options available.

Property Description Default Value
minimum-pool-size The minimum number of connections to maintain in the pool. 10
maximum-pool-size The maximum number of connections to maintain in the pool. 10
connection-timeout The maximum time to wait for a connection to become available. 30000 (30 seconds)
idle-timeout The maximum time a connection can remain idle before being closed. 600000 (10 minutes)
max-lifetime The maximum lifetime of a connection. 1800000 (30 minutes)

These properties can be configured using the `spring.datasource.hikari` prefix in your application configuration file. For example:

      minimum-pool-size: 5
      maximum-pool-size: 20
      connection-timeout: 20000
      idle-timeout: 300000
      max-lifetime: 900000

Best Practices for Hikari Connection Pooling in Spring Boot

To get the most out of Hikari Connection Pooling in Spring Boot, follow these best practices:

  1. Monitor and adjust connection pool size: Keep an eye on your application’s connection pool usage and adjust the minimum and maximum pool sizes accordingly.
  2. Configure connection timeouts wisely: Set connection timeouts to balance connection availability with resource utilization.
  3. Use idle timeouts to prevent connection leaks: Configure idle timeouts to ensure connections are closed when not in use, preventing connection leaks.
  4. Optimize max lifetime for your application: Adjust the maximum lifetime of connections based on your application’s specific requirements.
  5. Test and validate your configuration: Test your Hikari Connection Pooling configuration thoroughly to ensure it meets your application’s performance and reliability needs.


In conclusion, Hikari Connection Pooling is a powerful tool in Spring Boot that can significantly improve database connection efficiency and performance. By understanding how many Hikari connections are created by default and configuring the connection pool to suit your application’s needs, you can unlock the full potential of Hikari Connection Pooling.

Remember to monitor and adjust your connection pool configuration, follow best practices, and test your setup thoroughly to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code with 5 questions and answers about “How many Hikari connection are created by default in spring boot”:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you curious about the default Hikari connection settings in Spring Boot? Get your answers here!

What is the default number of Hikari connections in Spring Boot?

By default, Spring Boot creates 10 Hikari connections. This can be adjusted by setting the `spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size` property in your application.properties file.

Can I change the default number of Hikari connections in Spring Boot?

Yes, you can adjust the default number of Hikari connections by setting the `spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size` property in your application.properties file. You can set it to any positive integer value.

Why does Spring Boot use HikariCP as the default connection pool?

HikariCP is a high-performance JDBC connection pool that provides better performance and reliability compared to other connection pools. Spring Boot chose HikariCP as the default connection pool due to its exceptional performance and feature set.

How does HikariCP improve performance in Spring Boot?

HikariCP improves performance in Spring Boot by providing efficient connection pooling, reducing latency, and optimizing database connections. It also provides features like connection timeout, idle timeout, and max lifetime, which help to optimize resource usage.

Can I use other connection pools instead of HikariCP in Spring Boot?

Yes, you can use other connection pools like Apache Commons DBCP, Apache Tomcat JDBC, or Oracle UCP in Spring Boot. However, HikariCP is the recommended and default connection pool in Spring Boot due to its exceptional performance and feature set.

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