Colon (:) Considered as a Dot (.) when Setting in TextView Android: A Comprehensive Guide
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Colon (:) Considered as a Dot (.) when Setting in TextView Android: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you an Android developer struggling to understand why the colon (:) symbol is being treated as a dot (.) when setting text in a TextView? You’re not alone! This phenomenon has puzzled many developers, and it’s time to get to the bottom of it. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Unicode, character encoding, and Android’s text rendering to explain why this happens and provide step-by-step solutions to overcome this issue.

What’s behind the mystery?

To understand why the colon is being treated as a dot, we need to explore the world of Unicode and character encoding. Unicode is a standard for encoding characters across different platforms, languages, and devices. It assigns a unique code point to each character, allowing for consistent representation across different systems.

Unicode Code Points

Code Point	Description
U+003A.Colon (:)
U+002E.Dot (.)

As shown above, the colon (:) has a Unicode code point of U+003A, while the dot (.) has a code point of U+002E. In an ideal world, these characters should be treated distinctly, but that’s not always the case, especially when dealing with Android’s TextView.

Why does Android treat colon as a dot?

Android’s text rendering engine uses a combination of Unicode and font metrics to render text. When a TextView encounters a colon (:), it checks the font metrics to determine how to render the character. In some font families, the colon (:) is designed to resemble a dot (.) or a middle dot (·), leading to the confusion.

This issue is more pronounced when using certain font families, such as sans-serif fonts, which often exhibit this behavior. Additionally, some languages, like Arabic and Hebrew, use a similar character (Arabic Colon, U+061B) that is visually indistinguishable from a dot.

How to overcome this issue in Android

Now that we understand the root cause, let’s explore ways to resolve this issue in Android:

Method 1: Use Unicode Escape Sequences

One approach is to use Unicode escape sequences to represent the colon (:) character. You can use the following code:

textView.setText("\u003A"); // Use Unicode escape sequence for colon (:)

This method ensures that the colon (:) is rendered correctly, regardless of the font family or language settings.

Method 2: Use a Different Font Family

Another solution is to choose a font family that correctly renders the colon (:) character. You can use the following code:

textView.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), "fonts/mono.ttf")); // Use a monospace font

MonoSpace fonts, like Courier or Monaco, usually render the colon (:) correctly. You can also experiment with other font families to find one that works for your specific use case.

Method 3: Use a Custom TextView

If you need more control over text rendering, consider creating a custom TextView that handles the colon (:) character explicitly. You can subclass TextView and override the onDraw() method:

public class CustomTextView extends TextView {
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        // Draw the colon (:) character explicitly
        canvas.drawText(":", getLeft(), getTop(), getPaint());

This approach allows you to customize text rendering to your heart’s content, but be aware that it may require additional maintenance and testing.

Best Practices for Avoiding Colon-Dot Confusion

To avoid the colon-dot confusion in your Android app, follow these best practices:

  • Use Unicode escape sequences for special characters, like the colon (:).
  • Choose font families that correctly render the colon (:) character.
  • Avoid using sans-serif fonts, which are more prone to this issue.
  • Test your app with different languages and font settings to ensure consistency.
  • Use a custom TextView or onDraw() method if you need fine-grained control over text rendering.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious case of the colon (:) being treated as a dot (.) in Android’s TextView. By understanding the Unicode code points, font metrics, and Android’s text rendering engine, we’ve uncovered the root cause of this issue. Armed with this knowledge, you can now overcome this obstacle using Unicode escape sequences, different font families, or custom TextViews.

Remember to follow best practices to avoid colon-dot confusion in your Android app, ensuring a seamless user experience across different languages and devices. Happy coding!

Character Unicode Code Point Description
U+003A Colon symbol
U+002E Dot or period symbol
U+061B Arabic colon symbol


  1. Unicode Consortium. (2022). Unicode Standard Annex #44: Unicode Character Database. Retrieved from
  2. Android Developer Documentation. (n.d.). TextView. Retrieved from

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of Android textview and explore the mysteries of the colon (:) and dot (.)!

What is the deal with colon (:) and dot (.) in Android TextView?

In Android, when you set a string containing a colon (:) in a TextView, it’s sometimes treated as a dot (.)! This is because the colon is used as a resource identifier, and the system tries to find a matching resource with that name. If it can’t find one, it replaces the colon with a dot. Mind blown, right?

Why does Android do this weird replacement?

Android does this for historical reasons, dating back to the early days of resource handling. The colon was used to separate resource types from their names, and the dot was used as a separator in resource names. To maintain backward compatibility, the system still performs this replacement. It’s a quirk, but it’s part of Android’s DNA!

How can I prevent this replacement from happening?

Easy peasy! Simply escape the colon by adding a backslash () before it. For example, instead of “hello:world”, use “hello\:world”. This tells the system to treat the colon as a literal character, not a resource identifier. Problem solved!

What if I’m using a string resource with a colon?

If you’re using a string resource with a colon, you can enclose the string in double quotes (“) within the resource file. This tells the system to treat the string as a literal value, rather than a resource identifier. For example, “hello:world” will display the colon correctly.

Any other gotchas I should know about?

One more thing to keep in mind is that this replacement only occurs when you set the string programmatically using setText(). If you set the string in the layout XML file, the colon will be displayed correctly. So, if you’re seeing weird behavior, check how you’re setting the string!

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