Terraform and Azure Policy Interaction Issue: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
Image by Aesara - hkhazo.biz.id

Terraform and Azure Policy Interaction Issue: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you tired of dealing with the Terraform and Azure Policy interaction issue? Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of frustration, trying to figure out why your Terraform code isn’t working as expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Terraform and Azure Policy, exploring the common issues that arise and providing you with actionable solutions to overcome them.

What is Terraform and Azure Policy?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the interaction issue, let’s take a step back and understand what Terraform and Azure Policy are.


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and manage your cloud infrastructure using human-readable configuration files. With Terraform, you can provision and manage resources across multiple cloud providers, including Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud.

Azure Policy

Azure Policy is a service offered by Microsoft Azure that enables you to define and enforce governance and compliance policies across your Azure resources. With Azure Policy, you can create custom policies that audit, deny, or deploy resources based on specific conditions.

The Interaction Issue: What’s Going On?

So, what’s causing the Terraform and Azure Policy interaction issue? The root of the problem lies in the way Terraform and Azure Policy interact with each other. When you use Terraform to deploy resources to Azure, it sends API requests to Azure to create or update resources. However, Azure Policy can intervene and block these requests if they don’t comply with the defined policies.

This can lead to a range of issues, including:

  • Resource creation failures due to policy denials
  • Inconsistent resource states due to policy audits
  • Terraform deployment failures due to policy deployments

Troubleshooting the Interaction Issue

Now that we understand the issue, let’s get to troubleshooting! Here are some common scenarios and their solutions:

Scenario 1: Resource Creation Failure

You’re trying to create a new Azure resource using Terraform, but the deployment fails due to a policy denial.

Error: Error creating MySQL Server "example" (Resource Group "example"): resources.MySqlServersClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="RequestDisallowedByPolicy" Message="Request is disallowed by policy."


  1. Identify the policy that’s causing the denial. You can do this by checking the Azure Policy dashboard or using the Azure CLI command az policy assignment list --resource-group .
  2. Review the policy definition and identify the condition that’s causing the denial.
  3. Update your Terraform code to comply with the policy condition. For example, if the policy requires a specific tag, add the tag to your Terraform resource configuration.
  4. Rerun your Terraform deployment.

Scenario 2: Inconsistent Resource States

You’ve deployed resources to Azure using Terraform, but the resource states are inconsistent due to policy audits.

terraform state show azurerm_virtual_machine.example
# azurerm_virtual_machine.example
# ...
# tags = {
# "environment" = "dev"
# }

However, when you check the Azure portal, the resource has a different tag configuration.


  1. Identify the policy that’s causing the audit. You can do this by checking the Azure Policy dashboard or using the Azure CLI command az policy assignment list --resource-group .
  2. Review the policy definition and identify the condition that’s causing the audit.
  3. Update your Terraform code to reflect the correct resource state. For example, if the policy requires a specific tag, update your Terraform resource configuration to include the tag.
  4. Rerun your Terraform deployment with the --refresh option to update the Terraform state.

Scenario 3: Terraform Deployment Failure

You’re trying to deploy resources to Azure using Terraform, but the deployment fails due to a policy deployment.

Error: Error waiting for deployment "example" to complete: Deployment provisioning state was "Failed" (CanNotComplete: Cannot create or update deployment 'example': Deployment 'example' is locked by another operation.


  1. Identify the policy that’s causing the deployment failure. You can do this by checking the Azure Policy dashboard or using the Azure CLI command az policy assignment list --resource-group .
  2. Review the policy definition and identify the condition that’s causing the deployment failure.
  3. Update your Terraform code to comply with the policy condition. For example, if the policy requires a specific resource lock, add the lock to your Terraform resource configuration.
  4. Rerun your Terraform deployment.

Best Practices for Terraform and Azure Policy Interaction

To avoid the interaction issue altogether, follow these best practices:

1. Plan Your Policies

Before deploying resources to Azure using Terraform, plan your policies and ensure they’re aligned with your Terraform configuration. This will help prevent policy denials and audits.

2. Use Terraform’s Built-in Azure Policy Support

Terraform has built-in support for Azure Policy. Use the azurerm_policy_assignment resource to define and assign policies to your Azure resources.

  resource "azurerm_policy_assignment" "example" {
    name                 = "example"
    policy_definition_id = "/subscriptions//providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/"
    scope                = "/subscriptions//resourceGroups/"

3. Monitor Azure Policy Activity

Regularly monitor Azure Policy activity to identify potential issues and policy violations. You can do this using the Azure Policy dashboard or Azure CLI commands.

4. Test Your Terraform Code

Thoroughly test your Terraform code against Azure Policy to ensure compliance and identify potential issues.


The Terraform and Azure Policy interaction issue can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can overcome it. By understanding how Terraform and Azure Policy interact, identifying policy denials and audits, and following best practices, you can ensure smooth and successful deployments to Azure.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art that requires patience, persistence, and attention to detail. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle even the most complex Terraform and Azure Policy interaction issues.

Happy troubleshooting!

Terraform and Azure Policy Interaction Issue Solution
Resource creation failure due to policy denial Identify policy, review policy definition, update Terraform code, and rerun deployment
Inconsistent resource states due to policy audits Identify policy, review policy definition, update Terraform code, and rerun deployment with –refresh option
Terraform deployment failure due to policy deployment Identify policy, review policy definition, update Terraform code, and rerun deployment

Frequently Asked Questions

Terraform and Azure policy interactions can be a bit tricky to navigate. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions to help you troubleshoot and resolve issues.

What causes Terraform to fail when applying Azure policy?

Terraform fails when applying Azure policy due to permission issues or incorrect configuration of the Azure provider. Ensure that the Azure provider is properly configured, and the service principal or managed identity has the necessary permissions to assign policies.

How do I troubleshoot Azure policy assignment failures in Terraform?

To troubleshoot Azure policy assignment failures, review the Terraform plan output and Azure Activity Log for errors. Check the policy definition and assignment scope to ensure they are correctly configured. Use the Azure CLI or Azure Portal to verify policy assignments and troubleshoot further.

Can I use Terraform to create custom Azure policies?

Yes, you can use Terraform to create custom Azure policies. Define the policy using the `azurerm_policy_definition` resource, and then assign it using the `azurerm_policy_assignment` resource. Terraform will create the custom policy and assign it to the specified scope.

How do I handle Azure policy drift in Terraform?

To handle Azure policy drift in Terraform, use the `azurerm_policy_assignment` resource to detect and correct policy drift. Terraform will automatically detect and correct policy drift during deployment, ensuring that the desired policy state is maintained.

What are some best practices for Terraform and Azure policy integration?

Best practices for Terraform and Azure policy integration include using a modular Terraform configuration, defining policies as code, and testing policy assignments before deployment. Additionally, use role-based access control to ensure that the Terraform service principal or managed identity has the necessary permissions to assign policies.