SAM Template File for AWS Java Lambda Code in AWS CodePipeline: A Step-by-Step Guide
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SAM Template File for AWS Java Lambda Code in AWS CodePipeline: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually deploying your AWS Java Lambda code and struggling to manage your AWS infrastructure? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to create a SAM (Serverless Application Model) template file for your AWS Java Lambda code in AWS CodePipeline. With this template, you’ll be able to automate your deployment process, reduce errors, and focus on writing code.

What is SAM?

SAM (Serverless Application Model) is an open-source framework developed by AWS that allows you to build serverless applications using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and other AWS services. SAM provides a simple and declarative way to define your application’s infrastructure, making it easy to deploy and manage your serverless applications.

What is the SAM Template File?

The SAM template file is a YAML or JSON file that defines your serverless application’s infrastructure. It specifies the resources required to deploy your application, such as AWS Lambda functions, API Gateway APIs, and DynamoDB tables. The template file is used by SAM to create and manage the resources in your AWS account.

Create a SAM Template File for Your AWS Java Lambda Code

To create a SAM template file for your AWS Java Lambda code, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file with a `.yml` or `.yaml` extension (e.g., `template.yaml`). This file will contain the SAM template definitions for your AWS Java Lambda code.

  2. Define the AWS Lambda function using the `Resources` section of the SAM template file. For example:

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          FunctionName: !Sub 'my-lambda-function-${AWS::Region}'
          Runtime: java8
          Handler: com.example.MyLambdaHandler
            S3Bucket: !Sub 'my-lambda-code-${AWS::Region}'
            S3ObjectKey: lambda-code.jar
  3. Define any additional resources required by your AWS Lambda function, such as an API Gateway REST API or a DynamoDB table. For example:

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
          StageName: prod
              - Content-Type
              - Accept
              - Accept-Language
              - Accept-Encoding
              - GET
              - POST
              - PUT
              - DELETE
              - HEAD
              Path: /
              Method: get
              FunctionName: !Ref MyLambdaFunction
  4. Define any environment variables required by your AWS Lambda function using the `Environment` section of the SAM template file. For example:

        BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
        TABLE_NAME: !Sub 'my-table-${AWS::Region}'
        API_KEY: !Sub 'my-api-key-${AWS::Region}'
  5. Save the SAM template file and upload it to your AWS CodePipeline repository.

Integrate SAM with AWS CodePipeline

Once you have created your SAM template file, you can integrate it with AWS CodePipeline to automate your deployment process. Follow these steps:

  1. Create an AWS CodePipeline pipeline and add a source stage that points to your SAM template file repository.

  2. Add a build stage to your pipeline that uses the AWS SAM CLI to build and package your AWS Lambda code. For example:

      - build
      - deploy
      stage: build
        name: amazon/aws-sam-cli:latest
        - sam build
        - sam package --s3-bucket $BUCKET_NAME --s3-prefix $BUCKET_PREFIX
        - aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket $BUCKET_NAME --s3-prefix $BUCKET_PREFIX
  3. Add a deploy stage to your pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy your SAM template file to your AWS account. For example:

      stage: deploy
        name: amazon/aws-cloudformation-cli:latest
        - aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name $STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  4. Configure your pipeline to trigger automatically whenever changes are made to your SAM template file or AWS Lambda code.

Benefits of Using SAM with AWS CodePipeline

Using SAM with AWS CodePipeline provides several benefits, including:

  • Automated deployment: SAM and AWS CodePipeline automate the deployment of your AWS Lambda code, reducing errors and saving time.

  • Version control: SAM and AWS CodePipeline provide version control for your AWS Lambda code, making it easy to track changes and roll back to previous versions.

  • Infrastructure as code: SAM and AWS CodePipeline treat infrastructure as code, making it easy to manage and version your AWS resources.

  • Serverless development: SAM and AWS CodePipeline enable serverless development, allowing you to focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure.


In this article, we showed you how to create a SAM template file for your AWS Java Lambda code in AWS CodePipeline. With SAM and AWS CodePipeline, you can automate your deployment process, reduce errors, and focus on writing code. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a scalable and maintainable serverless application using AWS Lambda and AWS CodePipeline.

Additional Resources

For more information on SAM and AWS CodePipeline, please refer to the following resources:

Resource Description
AWS SAM A framework for building serverless applications
AWS CodePipeline A continuous integration and delivery service
AWS Lambda A serverless compute service

We hope this article has been helpful in getting you started with SAM and AWS CodePipeline. Happy coding!


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      FunctionName: !Sub 'my-lambda-function-${AWS::Region}'
      Runtime: java8
      Handler: com.example.MyLambdaHandler
        S3Bucket: !Sub 'my-lambda-code-${AWS::Region}'
        S3ObjectKey: lambda-code.jar
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
      StageName: prod
          - Content-Type
          - Accept
          - Accept-Language
          - Accept-Encoding
          - GET
          - POST
          - PUT
          - DELETE
          - HEAD
          Path: /
          Method: get
          FunctionName: !Ref MyLambdaFunction
      BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
      TABLE_NAME: !Sub 'my-table-${AWS::Region}'
      API_KEY: !Sub 'my-api-key-${AWS::Region}'

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on SAM Template File for AWS Java Lambda Code in AWS CodePipeline!

What is a SAM Template File, and why do I need it for my AWS Java Lambda Code?

A SAM (Serverless Application Model) Template File is a JSON or YAML file that defines the infrastructure and configuration of your serverless application. You need it to deploy your AWS Java Lambda Code in AWS CodePipeline because it provides a standardized way to define and manage your Lambda function, including its event sources, environment variables, and permissions.

How do I create a SAM Template File for my AWS Java Lambda Code?

You can create a SAM Template File using the AWS SAM CLI or by writing the JSON or YAML code manually. The SAM CLI provides a `sam init` command that generates a boilerplate template file for your Lambda function. You can then customize the file to fit your specific needs, including adding event sources, environment variables, and IAM roles.

What are some common sections I should include in my SAM Template File?

Some common sections you should include in your SAM Template File are the `AWSTemplateFormatVersion`, `Resources`, `Outputs`, and `Metadata` sections. The `Resources` section defines your Lambda function, API Gateway, and other AWS resources, while the `Outputs` section specifies the values that are returned by your function. The `Metadata` section provides additional information about your template file.

Can I use the same SAM Template File for different environments, such as dev, staging, and prod?

Yes, you can use the same SAM Template File for different environments by using environment variables and conditional logic in your template file. You can define environment-specific variables, such as bucket names or API endpoints, and use them in your template file. Additionally, you can use conditional logic, such as `!Equals` or `!NotEquals`, to include or exclude certain resources or configurations based on the environment.

How do I integrate my SAM Template File with AWS CodePipeline for continuous deployment?

To integrate your SAM Template File with AWS CodePipeline, you need to create a pipeline that includes a source stage, a build stage, and a deploy stage. In the build stage, you can use the AWS SAM CLI to build and package your Lambda function and its dependencies. In the deploy stage, you can use the AWS CloudFormation module to deploy your Lambda function and its infrastructure to AWS. You can then configure your pipeline to trigger automatically on code changes, ensuring continuous deployment of your application.