Why ngClass Stops Working with Dynamic Data: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Aesara - hkhazo.biz.id

Why ngClass Stops Working with Dynamic Data: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why ngClass refuses to work with your dynamic data? You’re not alone! Many Angular developers have faced this issue, and today, we’re going to dive deep into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with practical solutions to get ngClass working seamlessly with your dynamic data.

Understanding ngClass

Before we dive into the issue, let’s quickly review what ngClass is and how it works. ngClass is a built-in directive in Angular that allows you to dynamically add or remove CSS classes from an element. It’s a powerful tool for conditional styling, but it can be finicky when working with dynamic data.

Here’s a simple example of ngClass in action:

<div [ngClass]="{'active': isActive}">This div is active!</div>

In this example, the `active` class will be added to the div element when the `isActive` variable is truthy.

The Problem: ngClass Stops Working with Dynamic Data

Now, let’s say you’re trying to use ngClass with dynamic data, and suddenly, it stops working. You’ve checked your code, and everything seems correct, but the classes just won’t apply. What’s going on?

The reason ngClass stops working with dynamic data is due to Angular’s change detection mechanism. When you update your dynamic data, Angular doesn’t automatically detect the changes, which means ngClass doesn’t get re-evaluated.

Reason 1: Angular’s Change Detection

Angular uses a mechanism called zone.js to detect changes in the application. Zone.js creates a separate scope for Angular, which allows it to detect changes to the application’s state. However, when you update dynamic data, Angular doesn’t automatically detect the changes, which means ngClass doesn’t get re-evaluated.

To fix this issue, you need to inform Angular that the data has changed. You can do this by using the `ChangeDetectorRef` service or by wrapping your dynamic data in a observable.

Reason 2: Observables andZone.js

When you use observables with ngClass, you need to make sure that the observable is properly synchronized with the zone.js. If the observable is not properly synchronized, ngClass won’t work as expected.

To fix this issue, you can use the `async` pipe to unwrap the observable and make sure that the zone.js is aware of the changes.

<div [ngClass]="{'active': (isActive | async)}">This div is active!</div>

Solutions to Make ngClass Work with Dynamic Data

Now that we’ve identified the reasons behind the issue, let’s explore some solutions to make ngClass work seamlessly with dynamic data.

Solution 1: Use ChangeDetectorRef

You can use the `ChangeDetectorRef` service to inform Angular that the data has changed. Here’s an example:

import { Component, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-example',
  template: '<div [ngClass]="{'active': isActive}">This div is active!</div>'
export class ExampleComponent {
  isActive: boolean;

  constructor(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

  updateIsActive() {
    this.isActive = !this.isActive;

In this example, we’re using the `ChangeDetectorRef` service to detect changes to the `isActive` variable. Whenever the `updateIsActive` method is called, Angular will detect the changes and re-evaluate ngClass.

Solution 2: Use Observables with Async Pipe

You can use observables with the `async` pipe to unwrap the observable and make sure that the zone.js is aware of the changes. Here’s an example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'app-example',
  template: '<div [ngClass]="{'active': (isActive | async)}">This div is active!</div>'
export class ExampleComponent {
  isActive: Observable<boolean>;

  constructor() {
    this.isActive = new Observable<boolean>(observer => {

In this example, we’re using the `async` pipe to unwrap the observable and make sure that the zone.js is aware of the changes. Whenever the observable emits a new value, Angular will detect the changes and re-evaluate ngClass.

Solution 3: Use a Custom Directive

You can create a custom directive that listens to changes to the dynamic data and updates ngClass accordingly. Here’s an example:

  selector: '[appNgClass]'
export class NgClassDirective {
  @Input() appNgClass: any;

  constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.appNgClass) {

In this example, we’re creating a custom directive that listens to changes to the `appNgClass` input and updates ngClass accordingly. Whenever the input changes, Angular will detect the changes and re-evaluate ngClass.

Best Practices for Using ngClass with Dynamic Data

To avoid issues with ngClass and dynamic data, follow these best practices:

  • Use the `ChangeDetectorRef` service to detect changes to dynamic data.
  • Use observables with the `async` pipe to unwrap the observable and make sure that the zone.js is aware of the changes.
  • Use a custom directive to listen to changes to dynamic data and update ngClass accordingly.
  • Avoid using ngClass with complex expressions that involve multiple variables or functions.
  • Use the `ngClass` directive only when necessary, and prefer using CSS classes with Angular’s built-in CSS selectors.


ngClass is a powerful tool for conditional styling in Angular, but it can be finicky when working with dynamic data. By understanding the reasons behind the issue and using the solutions provided in this article, you can make ngClass work seamlessly with your dynamic data. Remember to follow best practices and avoid common pitfalls to ensure that ngClass works as expected.

With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to overcome the challenges of using ngClass with dynamic data and create stunning, interactive applications with Angular.

Solution Description
Use ChangeDetectorRef Inform Angular that the data has changed using the ChangeDetectorRef service.
Use Observables with Async Pipe Use observables with the async pipe to unwrap the observable and make sure that the zone.js is aware of the changes.
Use a Custom Directive Create a custom directive that listens to changes to the dynamic data and updates ngClass accordingly.

By following these solutions and best practices, you can make ngClass work seamlessly with your dynamic data and create amazing applications with Angular.


  1. Why does ngClass stop working with dynamic data?

    ngClass stops working with dynamic data due to Angular’s change detection mechanism. When you update dynamic data, Angular doesn’t automatically detect the changes, which means ngClass doesn’t get re-evaluated.

  2. How do I fix ngClass not working with dynamic data?

    You can fix ngClass not working with dynamic data by using the ChangeDetectorRef service, observables with the async pipe, or creating a custom directive.

  3. What are some best practices for using ngClass with dynamic data?

    Some best practices for using ngClass with dynamic data include using the ChangeDetectorRef service, observables with the async pipe, creating a custom directive, and avoiding complex expressions.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “why ngClass stop working with dynamic data” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, Angular enthusiasts! Are you scratching your head wondering why ngClass suddenly stopped working with dynamic data? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out these frequently asked questions and get back to building those awesome Angular apps!

Q1: Is ngClass supposed to work with dynamic data?

Yes, ngClass is designed to work with dynamic data. In fact, it’s one of its superpowers! However, there are some gotchas to watch out for, which we’ll cover in these FAQs.

Q2: Why does ngClass stop working when I use a function to generate the class names?

This is a common pitfall! When you use a function to generate class names, Angular might not be able to detect the changes. Try using the `binding` syntax instead, like this: `[ngClass]=”{‘class-name’: function()}”`

Q3: Can I use ngClass with async data?

Yes, you can! But you need to make sure the data has been resolved before applying the classes. Use the `async` pipe or unwrap the observable to ensure the data is available before ngClass kicks in.

Q4: Why doesn’t ngClass work with nested objects?

When working with nested objects, ngClass can get confused. Try using the dot notation to access the nested properties, like this: `[ngClass]=”{‘class-name’: object.nestedProperty}”`

Q5: How do I debug ngClass issues with dynamic data?

Debugging ngClass can be a challenge! Use the Angular DevTools to inspect the element and check if the class names are being applied correctly. You can also use the `ngClass` directive with a variable to see what’s being evaluated.

Hope this helps you troubleshoot and get ngClass working with your dynamic data!