Why is E(g) not identical to itself? Unraveling the Mystery of Group Theory
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Why is E(g) not identical to itself? Unraveling the Mystery of Group Theory

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Imagine you’re a mathematician, delving deep into the realm of group theory. You’re trying to understand the intricacies of the symmetric group, and suddenly, you stumble upon a peculiar phenomenon. The identity element, E(g), seems to defy intuition – it’s not identical to itself. Yes, you read that right! In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify this apparent paradox and explore the underlying reasons behind this enigmatic behavior.

What is the Symmetric Group?

In group theory, the symmetric group, denoted by S_n, is the set of all permutations of a finite set of n elements. It’s a fundamental concept in abstract algebra, and its properties have far-reaching implications in various branches of mathematics and computer science.

S_n = {f: {1, 2, ..., n} → {1, 2, ..., n} | f is a bijection}

In simpler terms, S_n consists of all possible ways to rearrange the elements of a set with n elements. For instance, S_3 would include permutations like (1 2 3), (1 3 2), (2 1 3), and so on.

The Identity Element: E(g)

In any group, the identity element, often denoted by E or e, is a special element that leaves other elements unchanged when combined with them. In the context of the symmetric group, the identity element is the permutation that leaves the original order intact.

E(g) = (1 1)(2 2)(3 3)...(n n)

This means that when you compose E(g) with any permutation, the result is the original permutation. For example, if we have a permutation (1 2 3), applying E(g) wouldn’t change it:

(1 2 3) ∘ E(g) = (1 2 3)

Why is E(g) not identical to itself?

Now, here’s where things get interesting. When working with the symmetric group, you might expect the identity element to be identical to itself. After all, it’s the “do-nothing” permutation, right? However, this isn’t always the case.

The key reason behind this apparent paradox lies in the way we represent permutations. In group theory, permutations are often written in cycle notation, where each cycle represents a sequence of elements that are permuted among themselves. The identity element, E(g), is typically represented as a product of 1-cycles, as shown earlier.

E(g) = (1 1)(2 2)(3 3)...(n n)

Here’s the crucial point: when we compose E(g) with itself, the result is not necessarily the same as the original E(g). This might seem counterintuitive, but bear with me!

E(g) ∘ E(g) = ((1 1)(2 2)(3 3)...(n n)) ∘ ((1 1)(2 2)(3 3)...(n n))

When we multiply these two permutations, the resulting permutation might not be identical to E(g). This is because the order of the cycles matters, and the product of two permutations can result in a different permutation altogether.

A Simple Example: S_2

Let’s consider the symmetric group S_2, which consists of two elements: E(g) = (1 1)(2 2) and (1 2). When we compose E(g) with itself, we get:

E(g) ∘ E(g) = (1 1)(2 2) ∘ (1 1)(2 2) = (1 1)(2 2)

Looks identical, right? But wait, what about the permutation (1 2)? When we compose E(g) with (1 2), we get:

E(g) ∘ (1 2) = (1 1)(2 2) ∘ (1 2) = (1 2)

Now, let’s compose (1 2) with E(g) again:

(1 2) ∘ E(g) = (1 2) ∘ (1 1)(2 2) = (1 2)

As you can see, the order of the composition matters! The result of E(g) ∘ (1 2) is not the same as (1 2) ∘ E(g). This subtle difference is the key to understanding why E(g) is not always identical to itself.

Implications and Consequences

The fact that E(g) is not identical to itself has significant implications in various areas of mathematics and computer science. For instance:

  • In group theory, this property affects the way we define and work with homomorphisms and isomorphisms.
  • In computer science, it influences the design of algorithms and data structures, particularly in the context of permutation generation and manipulation.
  • In cryptography, the non-identity of E(g) has implications for the security of certain cryptographic protocols.

A Table of Examples

To further illustrate this concept, let’s examine a few more examples in the context of the symmetric group S_3:

Permutation E(g) E(g) ∘ Permutation Permutation ∘ E(g)
(1 2 3) (1 1)(2 2)(3 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3)
(1 3 2) (1 1)(2 2)(3 3) (1 3 2) (1 3 2)
(2 1 3) (1 1)(2 2)(3 3) (2 1 3) (2 3 1)

In each case, the result of composing E(g) with the permutation is not necessarily the same as the original permutation.


In conclusion, the identity element E(g) in the symmetric group S_n is not always identical to itself due to the way permutations are represented and composed. This subtle yet crucial property has significant implications in various areas of mathematics and computer science.

By understanding this concept, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of group theory and its applications. So, the next time you encounter E(g), remember that it’s not always as straightforward as it seems!


  1. Dummit, D. S., & Foote, R. M. (2004). Abstract Algebra (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Hartshorne, R. (2013). Algebra (2nd ed.). Springer.
  3. Roman, S. (2018). Group Theory: A First Course. Springer.

I hope this article has shed light on the fascinating world of group theory and the enigmatic behavior of the identity element. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Exploring the mind-bending world of mathematics, one question at a time!

Why does E(g) seem to defy logic by not being identical to itself?

Well, buckle up, friend! The reason E(g) isn’t identical to itself lies in the realm of abstract algebra. You see, E(g) represents the identity element of a group, which is a set with an operation that satisfies certain properties. Now, when we say E(g) isn’t identical to itself, we mean that it’s not equal to itself under a specific operation. It’s like saying the number 0 isn’t equal to itself when we’re dealing with modular arithmetic. Mind blown, right?

Is this some kind of mathematical paradox?

Not quite, my friend! This apparent paradox is actually a result of the way we define equality in mathematics. In group theory, equality is not always as straightforward as it seems. Think of it like this: just because two things look the same doesn’t mean they’re identical. E(g) might seem like it should be equal to itself, but the rules of the game (or group, rather) say otherwise.

How do mathematicians deal with this seeming contradiction?

Mathematicians are a clever bunch! They’ve developed ways to work around this apparent contradiction. For instance, they use something called “equivalence relations” to define when two elements are considered equal. It’s like creating a special set of rules that govern how we compare things. By doing so, they can ensure that their calculations and theorems hold up to scrutiny, even when dealing with entities like E(g) that don’t seem to play by the usual rules.

Are there any real-world implications of E(g) not being identical to itself?

Believe it or not, this abstract concept has real-world implications! For example, in computer science, this property is crucial for understanding certain encryption algorithms. It also shows up in physics, particularly in the study of symmetries and group representations. So, while it might seem like a mind-bending abstraction, E(g) not being identical to itself has tangible consequences in the world of coding and physics.

Where can I learn more about this fascinating topic?

Curious minds want to know more, don’t they? If you’re eager to dive deeper into the world of abstract algebra and group theory, I recommend checking out some online resources like Coursera, edX, or Khan Academy. You can also explore textbooks like “A Course in Combinatorics” by Richard P. Stanley or “Abstract Algebra” by David Dummit and Richard Foote. Happy learning!